@Gimmick @blauwwolkje92 I guess it was serendipitous that I noticed your post in my feed since I barely check it heh, but yeah I'm active most of the time here esp. in chat if you want to drop by. Also, regarding the call center, sounds like you got a good working environment, which is great, but they're right about the callers - some people can be really really *horrible*, as with most customer/people-facing jobs. Try to not let it get to you, but that's easier said than done.
If you want a place to vent, reddit's TalesFromTechSupport and TalesFromCallCenters (less active) would be a good place to start. If you have the time, I suggest you look into meditation or somesuch - may (or may not, YMMV) help when dealing with *those* kinds of clients.
Good luck!
Good to know you're still active, and congrats on landing the job. Here's to hoping you get the one you were aiming for! Good luck on working in a call center though - depending on who the client base is, it can get really stressful, and even worse if the work environment's toxic, in which case it can get tricky - your mental health is much more important than any job you have is what I'd say, if not for the current landscape...
thank you gummybear <3 good to know you are active too, thanks for the advice and yes i have only called for 2 days now for an hour and the second day i got clients and they were so rude, right now everyone i have met at work have greeted me with positive attitude and are really polite but i just started so awaiting whats coming hoping it will stay this way with just goodvibes. definitely not my plan to stay for a long time don't want to be dealing with such rude people, cause some workers have said new callagents ran out crying cause the clients were scolding them like i am really hoping not to get those type a people