Try not to let it weigh too heavily on your mind ^-^;
1: I find that if a course is laid out for you it is much easier. If you know what you must do to succeed and you know you can do it then you know you're not going to mess up bad.
2: Little successes at a time are good. If you have to learn 100 things, as a whole it can cause anxiety, but if you learn 1 thing at a time it is like lots of mini successes, it is reassuring.
3: Do everything to make class and homework fun, socialize, talk to teachers, draw little pictures in your notes to help illustrate concepts. Reward yourself with a bean burrito after class.
4: You shouldn't fixate on the work needed to achieve goals, you should think of the benefits too. Don't forget to weigh the work needed with the benefits.
5: If you fail it is only because you pushed yourself to your limits. If you find 2nd stage tertiary education a little too difficult, that means you have achieved a 1st stage tertiary education, it means you were brave enough to see how far you can go.
If you're not driven all the time, maybe it's the goals that are the problem
could be yea