totally in wuv with that saying <3_<3
well love having fun ,love to talk ,im very nice ,but if your not i can be pretty horrid but only if you arnt ,i love food ,i adore music and love art in every way every form,and i also like anime ,fave colour is blue ,red,green ,purple ,black
Age 32, Female
Joined on 4/23/12
I got inked. Phew, I won't die!
lolll yeaaa ^_^
What? How did I get here?
its your love for mehhhh ^_^ woot woot ,its so strong it transported you on to here.
hahahahhaa XD
Hmm... Uh Blau, really?
hahahhaaa yes really :p
Bad blau
hahahaha im such a angle ^_^
But you'll be dead; you won't care, and it'd be such a waste just to bury you before taking pictures. :(
hahahahaa wel i geuss what i dont know wont hurt meh lollllllll :p ,i wonder how its gonna be a waste? O_O
I'm always naked..........
WOOOOOttttt woooottt hahahahaa nice haahahahaa lollll
I'd rather be a cyborg
O_O Naked cyborg ?WOW lollllll
It's a waste because BOOBS. They are self-explanatory in their own right.
Also, I'm naked right now. You totally needed to know that. :D
It's a waste because BOOBS. They are self-explanatory in their own right.
Also, I'm naked right now. You totally needed to know that. :D
hahahhaaa is that right ,haaaaaahahhaaa i hope you being naked is a nice sight to see hahaha cause if its not i might die of your nakedness hahahahaa :p
VV I swear to shit, my browser needs to get naked and die sometimes. : /
haaahahahahahaaaha i see why lolll
its is a choice of deep thought that may take years to make * two seconds later* fuck i got inked on my new white shirt
that is true i agree with that, hahahahaa just couldnt keep away from the ink huh :p
Excuse me, but everyone who posted a comment on this newspost seems to be naked. Oh wait...
O__O I'm naked too...
omg haaaaahahahhaaa wow O_O
It's summer.I'm half naked.
half ,just show it all off hahaha :p let it all air out :P haaaaaaaahahaa
So to Get inked it means that you are showing your true colors and with excessive amounts of pride. Hmm Well it's better than just fading away in black and white
WOW nicely said ,and yes it does .
The other's gone now
and now its whole O_O wowwwwww hahaa niceeeeeee ,you must feel the breeze now ^_^
Very odd posts ya got here.
hahahahaa yeaa ^_^ lolll
even if i were naked it wouldnt matter because im too inked -_-
lol then your not dieing naked, but no need for you to get inked then .
Do we get nudes if you die, then? :D
hahahahaha whaaaaaat ,yea i dont think so :p