Okay so hears the dish lol its yummiest dish ever loll okay seriously idk what thats about moving on.... well lately i am feeling driven to just do stuff sto being lazy i guess i have been lazy enough ,my body is like woman listen up you need to study now enough not to black out of course but to pass and achieve those damn goals so i am hoping to achieve them work hard enoug h and you shall achieve even though people say that sometimes you can still fail and then you think your hardest isnt enough then what is , well i guess not giving up ey well i guess if you just do it and not give up there must be a day ,time, year,month were you do achieve it and if not try do achieve some other goalss and go back to that one ,my might is set on working and it is like my body is just making itselfs energy drink to go with it or maybe it is cause i have been waking up early cause of college owh well right now i am working on getting my first semester done and then finish my second semester ase my thesis and be done with college wish it were as simple as said then done i guess work better pay off . well i wish you goodluck in achieving in all your goals even if you have to make new ones cause you couldnt achieve the old ones or maybe the new ones are way better then the old ones i guess it is how you see it .well i guess that is all that is on my mind .
ciao xxx
If you're not driven all the time, maybe it's the goals that are the problem
could be yea